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It is Back-to-School Dental Check Up Time!
Posted on 9/8/2017 by Michael Mettler
 kids oral health back to school kids dental work childrens dentist
Can you believe that summer is over? Here in the Walla Walla Valley, the schools have just gotten back into session which means new routines and schedules are forming.

We know that most parents had to hustle this year to get their children ready for school, but with the chaos of school starting, we thought we could provide you with a few tips and options for your child’s dental health:

Getting Consistent Checkups and Cleanings:

Ideally, your child should come in to see our team at Enhanced Dental Care in Walla Walla every six months, beginning on his or her first birthday. It’s very important for your whole family to get consistent dental care and dental cleaning. This gives us plenty of time to help your child keep up his or her dental habits as well as keeping your child’s smile bright, clean, and happy.

One of the easiest ways to keep your child consistently coming in to see us here at Enhanced Dental Care is to set up a six-month schedule on significant dates. For example, school usually starts in late August/early September, so if you set your child’s appointment is in late September, his or her next appointment should be right before Spring Break in late March.

Common Dental Complaints Children Experience:

Many parents only have their own remembered dental health care upon which to base their decisions regarding their child’s dental health. However, everyone’s youth is different and every child may have their own dental issues. Here are three dental complaints we commonly hear about:

1. Teeth grinding

Sometimes children grind their teeth at night. This is called bruxism and may or may not be causing your child’s teeth to wear down inappropriately. This can be caught in a regular exam and resolved simply with a night guard.

2. Nervousness about going to the dentist

Going to the dentist or the doctor can be nerve wracking for adults – much less children! However, coming to see Dr. Gantz and his team doesn’t have to be a scary experience for anyone. You can help resolve your child’s nervousness by making sure they know they are coming to see us beforehand, calling ahead and letting us know that your child is feeling anxious, and avoiding telling your child any dental “war stories.” We will work with your child to help him or her remain happy and pain-free during their visit.

3. Cavities

The best way to prevent cavities is to get your child fluoride treatments and consistent cleanings. If it seems that your child is consistently getting cavities, make sure he or she is brushing and flossing and work to help them avoid foods that promote tooth decay like sugary treats and soda.

A Family Plan:

Enhanced Dental Care wants to help kids with great dental health for like. We are happy to bill your insurance company for you. We also service families without dental insurance by offering an in-house membership dental plan. There is a low annual fee to be paid for each family member, and a reduced fee for youth. Once the fee is paid, you and the family members for whom you have paid the fee are entitled to a 12-month in-office premier dental plan. Get all of the details here and sign up for this plan by calling us at 509-525-9111.

We hope this helps you as your child launches into the new school year. Contact us today to schedule your child’s back to school dental checkup.
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2014 S. Howard St., Suite D, Walla Walla, WA 99362
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